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Mission: To enrich our Stars from underserved communities by supporting, developing, and mentoring young student leaders from all backgrounds through education.


Vision: To aid youth from underserved socio-economic backgrounds see their role in making their community a better place. To connect Stars and leaders by providing access to teaching and learning opportunities. And empower our Stars through educational skills development and community connections. 



Finding Connection through Team and Community



The Rising Stars Foundation is an official Manitoba non-profit corporation. As illustrated in our official logo, we stand for the foundational principles of our province. 

At the heart of our logo, and our organization, is the Medicine Wheel, a symbol utilized by communities of Anishinaabe people in our territory. The Medicine Wheel represents that all people must come together for humanity to find balance on earth.


Education matched with positive healthy living activities provide youth the skills necessary to be successful in life. We utilize the traditional knowledge systems carried within the Medicine Wheel teachings to help our youth create positive impacts and build success.


Our foundation plays our part by helping young people find their own balance within themselves as well as learn skills necessary to make their team, family, and community successful.


The Rising Stars Foundation works towards ensuring that we uphold the noble philosophy of the Medicine Wheel by ensuring that all our Stars have the opportunity to be involved and create impact in their communities. 

We help ensure all our stars from underserved communities have the opportunity to reach their full potential.

Our Mission

To enrich our Stars from underserved communities by supporting, developing, and mentoring young student leaders from all backgrounds through education.

Our Mission

Our Vision

To aid youth from underserved socio-economic backgrounds see their role in making their community a better place. To connect Stars and leaders by providing access to teaching and learning opportunities. And empower our Stars through educational skills development and community connections. 

We Need Your Support Today!

Rising Stars Foundation

The Rising Stars Foundation is a non-profit organization that provides scholarships, support, and mentorship opportunities to youth from underserved communities. Through a variety of initiatives our foundation aims to develop leaders through a combination of academics and active living.



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